Algunas novedades bibliográficas de cooperación
Signatura: 4B-19070.
Body/Sex/Work focuses on the intimate, embodied and sexualised labour that occurs within body work and sex work. Bringing together an internationally renowned group of academics, it explores, empirically and theoretically, labour processes, workplace relations, regulation and resistance in some of the many work sites that make up the body work and sex work sectors. The book makes a key contribution to body studies and to research recognizing the embodiment of labour, reframing the key questions in critical studies of work and employment.
Key Benefits:
• The first book that draws together the sub-disciplines of body work and sex work
• Written by leading international experts
• Contains cutting-edge empirical research on contemporary topics
Body/Sex/Work is an ideal companion for upper-level undergraduate and postgraduate students of labour and organisation studies, body studies, gender, and sexuality. It will also appeal to researchers and lecturers in these fields.
‘This book is a thought-provoking and timely contribution to important debates on the lived experience and management of the body at work. The authors of the various chapters in Body/Sex/Work explore this relationship in a variety of fascinating yet relatively neglected workplace settings, offering significant insights that should be of considerable interest to students and researchers within a range of social science disciplines.’ –
Dr. Melissa Tyler, Reader in Management, University of Essex, UK‘This is an important book which makes a much needed contribution to the sociology of work as it draws together sex-work and body-work conceptually. In doing so it carefully reflects the intimate, embodied and sexualised labour of these two modes of work, through examples ranging from erotic dance, hairdressing, the care of residents in nursing homes, to phone sex workers.’ –
Dr. Rachela Colosi, University of Lincoln, UK‘This book makes two key contributions. By using the lens of employment and employment relations to study body work, it throws light on how this work is socially organized, for example in terms of commodification and space for resistance. And its insights into this form of labour advance our wider understanding of the varieties of work and employment in modern economies.’ –
Paul Edwards, Professor of Employment Relations and Head of the Department of Management, University of Birmingham, UKSUMARIO DE “BODY/SEX/WORK” SUMARIO DE “METODOLOGIA Y FUNCIONAMIENTO…“
Signatura: 4B-19234
La Red de Cadenas de Valor Alimentarias requiere un seguimiento y evaluación continuos que permitan mejorar su funcionamiento. La presente publicación tiene como objetivos los aspectos metodológicos y funcionales, describiendo algunos métodos de estudio más actuales, adaptados al sistema alimentario. Los aspectos funcionales se sintetizan en experiencias concretas narradas por diferentes autores.
La obra comprende 22 capítulos aportados por 44 autores con experiencias sobre 17 países tanto europeos como americanos y africanos.
Desde un punto de vista pedagógico este libro se agrupa en dos partes: una primera, más genérica y de enfoque metodológico; y la segunda, más específica, sobre funcionamiento de casos concretos.
Cada capítulo, además de la exposición del tema seleccionado, se acompaña de la correspondiente bibliografía y unos ejercicios de autoevaluación que estimulan la reflexión del lector en la aplicación de sus propias experiencias e inquietudes.
The Food Chain Value Network requires a constant monitoring and evaluation for its improvement. This publication has, as a main goal, the analysis of the different methodology dimensions applied to the food sector and describes the characteristics of the food sector performance.
The book has 22 chapters written by 44 authors, who develop their professional activities in 17 countries located in Europe, America and Africa.
For academic reasons, the chapters are organized in two different parts. The first one focuses special attention to methodology and general topics, while the second one is more specific and devoted to case studies.
Each chapter includes some discussion questions which encourage readers to consider different ways to understand or to evaluate some of the topics described.
Signatura: 4B-19153
El desarrollo humano sólo es posible en un escenario de paz. Regular y garantizar la existencia de este escenario es el objetivo que persigue el derecho humano a la paz.
El libro aborda este derecho, tanto en la configuración doctrinal y técnico-jurídica que está experimentando como en su proyección en la práctica respecto a las realidades de América Latina y, más concretamente, de Guatemala y México.
Encierra esta obra el complejo pero necesario cometido de trasladar el valor universal de la paz a la categoría de derecho humano. Con este fin, reúne las contribuciones de destacados juristas impulsores del reconocimiento de este derecho en el seno de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas, que nos ofrecen una amplia perspectiva de la cuestión, tanto desde el acercamiento teórico como desde el análisis de casos reales.
Signatura: 4B-15754
The pursuit of sustainability has generated lifestyle changes for individuals across the globe, widespread initiatives within civil society and business, historic policies for municipal, regional, and national governments, and crucial protocols and agreements by international organizations. Increasingly, sustainability provides a common language and goal for diverse peoples and nations. Yet the meaning of sustainability remains unsettled, and the term frequently serves as a PR strategy–a green veneer for business as usual–rather than a driver of fundamental change.
Leslie Paul Thiele’s accessible yet thorough book provides a broad-ranging introduction to the concept and practice of sustainability today. It addresses the history, scope, and contested meanings of sustainability as an ethical ideal, an ascendant ideology, and a common-sense approach to living in an ever more crowded world of increasingly scarce resources. Key topics covered include environmental health and ecological resilience, the promise and unintended consequences of technology, political and legal challenges, economic limits and opportunities, and cultural change.
Unlike most other approaches to this crucial topic, Thiele argues that sustainability requires innovation and adaptation as much as the conservation of resources. His book will be a valuable resource for students in a broad range of courses, including environmental studies and related areas, as well as general readers keen to grapple with one of the most pressing issues of our times.
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