Novedades bibliográficas de la Biblioteca de Cooperación, BICE (abril 2013)
Como en anteriores ocasiones, ofrecemos una selección de adquisiciones recientes llegadas a la biblioteca del ámbito de la cooperación y el desarrollo. Las reseñas están en el idioma de la publicación.
Culture, development and social theory : towards an integrated social development / John Clammer.- London : Zed Books, cop. 2012.- 291 p.; 22 cm.
Signatura: 4B-17117
Culture, Development and Social Theory places culture back at the centre of debates in development studies. It introduces new ways of conceptualizing culture by linking development studies to studies of social movements, religion and the notion of “social suffering.” John Clammer expertly argues that, in the current world crises, any conception of post-capitalist society requires cultural, as well as economic and political dimensions.
‘In an impressively wide-ranging study of fundamental existential issues, , John Clammer provides an engaging analysis of pressing social, economic and environmental concerns, which radically reconstitutes our understanding of development and simultaneously demonstrates the progressive political possibilities provided by a profoundly recast cultural turn. This is an important book and deserves to be widely read.’
Barry Smart, University of Portsmouth
Clammer critically re-engages with culture and nature, and justice and development, towards an imaginative, existential, philosophical anthropology; a powerful, passionate, and pellucid text.’
Raymond Apthorpe, SOAS, University of London
Clammer’s marvellous new book invites us to think again about development and to reject conventional top-down definitions in favour of the creative ideas carried in ordinary life and in those social sciences that have remembered the importance of the idea of culture. This is urgent and timely advice for all those concerned with development in today’s globalized world.’
Peter Preston, University of Birmingham2
Managing development in a globalized world : concepts, processes, institutions / Habib Zafarullah and Ahmed Shafiqul Huque.- Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2012.- xxxiv, 493 p. : il. ; 24 cm.- (Public administration and public policy ; 166).
Signatura: 4B-17118
Traditionally, development has been rooted in ideologies and assumptions prevalent in the developed world and in practices and strategies adopted by leading industrial nations. However, historically, eclectic ideas and approaches often clash with existing long-established notions of progress and modes of realizing social and economic change. Managing Development in a Globalized World: Concepts, Processes, Institutions explores this topic by incorporating ideas and interpretations that have previously been neglected or given inadequate attention in the discourse on developing countries. It underscores development as a continuous process that must be supported by sound policies and efficient management, supplying a wider understanding of the field.
The authors argue that the application of innovative development techniques and best practices is essential for obtaining optimum results in meeting the needs of society. They examine the style of managing development with a new perspective that links the phenomenon with changing demands and the interplay of internal/external actors and a host of stakeholders. An exploration of key sectors in development provides clear comprehension of problems and solutions.
A careful synthesis of theoretical/conceptual and empirical literature, the book assesses real-world situations and provides insight into the operational dynamics of development policies, programs, and institutions. It focuses on goals, values, and dynamics of development management that are undergoing rapid changes and continue to be enhanced to alleviate poverty and improve living standards in an era of globalization and inter-regional and inter-institutional synergies. It highlights best practices essential for the efficient and effective delivery of human development services that are designed and put in place to obtain optimum results in meeting the needs of society.
Las sin banco / José Ignacio Zabaleta Kaehler.- [Gran Canaria: Rapidimxpress, 2012].- 151 p. ; 22 cm.
Signatura: 4B-16352
En estos momentos de incertidumbre financiera nos preguntamos por la utilidad de los bancos. Sin embargo, la mitad de la población mundial no tiene acceso a servicios bancarios tales como abrir una cuenta de ahorro, adquirir un seguro y por supuesto, pedir un préstamo. Está exclusión les impide planificar sus vidas. Las microfinanzas han dado respuesta a las necesidades de millones de personas mejorando su calidad de vida y de los suyos. “LAS SIN BANCO” pretende introducir al lector sobre la historia, logros, ventajas, limitaciones, complejidades y futuras posibilidades de
evolución de las microfinanzas entre los más pobres. Salpicado de ejemplos prácticos, los conceptos están contrastados con los principales referentes internacionales en esta materia. El resultado, un texto ameno y de fácil lectura que proporciona las claves para descubrir las microfinanzas como una poderosa herramienta de lucha contra la pobreza y el acceso al mercado financiero como un derecho universal.
Jose Ignacio Zabaleta Kaehler, CFA, es profesor de dirección financiera en la Escuela de Negocios MBA, en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, España. Asimismo trabaja como consultor internacional en materia de microfinanzas.
África en movimiento : migraciones internas y externas / Mbuyi Kabunda Badi (coord.).- Madrid : Los Libros de la Catarata : Fundación Carlos de Amberes, Observatorio sobre la Realidad Social del África Subsahariana ; [Las Palmas de Gran Canaria] : Casa África, 2012. 247 p. ; 23 cm.-
Signatura: 4B-17678
¿Son las migraciones una bendición o una maldición para el continente africano? En el análisis de los flujos migratorios internacionales se suele insistir más en las migraciones Sur-Norte, verticales o intercontinentales, pasando por alto las intracontinentales u horizontales, que son las que registran los mayores desplazamientos en el mundo y que se producen entre las distintas regiones del Sur y entre países del mismo continente. Así, se pierde de vista que las poblaciones del Tercer Mundo emigran a menudo dentro de un mismo país (éxodo rural) o hacia los países limítrofes, casi igual de pobres que los países de origen. Las migraciones interafricanas cuentan con unos 40 millones de migrantes internos, políticos, económicos y medioambientales y baten el récord de migraciones forzadas o de personas que huyen de la persecución política, la violación de los derechos humanos y los conflictos armados. La obra analiza las características de las migraciones internas y externas, destacando los aspectos positivos y negativos para África y Europa, con el objetivo de acabar con la concepción etnocéntrica del desarrollo, cuya exportación no ha podido retener a los africanos en sus tierras nativas, para empezar a tomar en cuenta sus necesidades y aspiraciones de desarrollo humano y sus necesidades de supervivencia y estabilidad interna.
Mbuyi Kabunda es director académico del Observatorio sobre la Realidad Social de África Subsahariana (FCA-UAM), profesor de Relaciones Internacionales y Estudios Africanos, miembro del Grupo de Estudios Africanos de la UAM y profesor y miembro del Instituto Internacional de Derechos Humanos de Estrasburgo.
The politics of indigeneity : dialogues and reflections on indigenous activism / edited by Sita Venkateswar and Emma Hughes.- London ; New York : Zed Books, cop. 2011.- 283 p. ; 22 cm.
Signatura: 4B-17134
Provocative and original, The Politics of Indigeneity explores the concept of indigeneity across the world and the ways in which it intersects with local, national and international social and political realities. The authors act as critical interlocutors with indigenous spokespersons, scholars and activists, as well as with each other, to discuss the possibilities of a “second-wave indigeneity”, one that is alert to the challenges posed by the neoliberal agenda of nation-states.
Featuring a variety of indigenous voices, The Politics of Indigeneity is a vital and timely contribution to an often contentious topic.
`The Politics of Indigeneity is a bold and challenging book. Multilayered and thought –provoking, it constantly forces the reader to re-engage and recalibrate, re-think and re-articulate assumptions and notions about many things, including, importantly, indigeneity itself. A must read!’
Pankaj Sekhsaria, author of Troubled Islands and Editor of the Jarawa Tribal Reserve Dossier.This book is based on an engagement with indigenous peoples across the globe… with respect and sensitivity, and thus an attitude so different from underlying mainstream academic discourses in which the claim of objectivity too often is but a disguise for arrogance.’
Christian Erni, International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs.`This path-breaking volume exploring the exciting emergence of a new “second wave” of indigeneity and activism is a must read for all those interested in contemporary indigenous politics.’
Jeff Sluka, Massey University6
Slavery in the modern world : a history of political, social, and economic oppression / Junius P. Rodriguez, editor.- Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO, cop. 2011.- 2 v. (xi, 859 p.) : il. ; 26 cm.
Signatura: 4B-17114 (v. I) 4B-17115 (v. II)
As shocking as it may seem, slavery is far from a thing of the past. In fact, there are an estimated 27 million victims of modern-day slavery–more than at the height of the Roman Empire or the peak of the Antebellum Era in the South. And by far the majority of those enslaved are society’s most easily marginalized—women, children, and migrants.
Slavery in the Modern World: A History of Political, Social, and Economic Oppression helps bring to light an often-ignored tragedy, opening readers’ eyes to the devastated lives of those coerced into unpaid labor. It is the first and only comprehensive encyclopedia on practices that persist despite the efforts of antislavery advocates, nongovernmental organizations, and national legislation aimed at ending them.
Ranging from the late-19th century to the present, Slavery in the Modern World examines the full extent of unfree labor practices in use today. It discusses contemporary abolitionists and antislavery groups fighting these practices and details legislative action from various nations aimed at exposing and shutting down slave operations and networks. The 450 alphabetically organized entries are the work of over 125 of the world’s leading experts on modern slavery.
Políticas educativas, interculturalidad y discriminación : estudios de caso: Potosí, La Paz y El Alto / Mario Yapu.- La Paz : Fundación PIEB, 2011.- 314 p.: il. ; 23 cm.- (Investigaciones coeditadas).
Signatura: 4B-18249
Recorrer el discurso estatal sobre el sentido de la educación pública – y especialmente acerca de cómo “educar” a los indígenas-durante el siglo XX constituye un revelador trayecto a lo largo de las aspiraciones, prejuicios, ambiciones e impotencias de un pensamiento político boliviano tan idealista como racial.
Este trayecto es precisamente el contenido de la primera parte de este libro que tras un análisis histórico de las políticas educativas y los currículos estatales, presenta un estudio realizado en 1997 sobre la enseñanza de la lectoescritura en español y en quechua en tres escuelas y comunidades rurales de Tarabuco (Chuquisaca). Este contrapunto entre la retórica estatal y la realidad práctica resulta ilustrativo de la distancia entre teoría y práctica cuando se trata de enseñar a leer y escribir en un contexto rural y bilingüe
La segunda parte articula una reflexión teórica sobre la evolución conceptual de la interculturalidad, la discriminación y el racismo, acompañada de una investigación que se realizó entre fines de 2003 y principios de 2004 en escuelas periféricas de las ciudades de Potosí, La Paz y El Alto, y de las localidades de Llallagua y Chayanta. Al fin, la indagación testimonia la alta sensibilidad de la cuestión racial y la vigencia de estereotipos y prácticas discriminatorias que están enquistados en el núcleo mismo de la educación pública.
Urban water conflicts / edited by Bernard Barraqué.- Paris : UNESCO ; Leiden : Taylor and Francis, 2012.- xxxii, 313 p. : il. ; cop. 2012.- (Urban water series ; 7).
Signatura: 4B-17137
Urban water conflicts manifested first in Europe in the 19th century and are observed nowadays in various forms throughout the world; in particular, in developing countries. Main causes of these conflicts are characterized by complex socioeconomic and institutional issues related to urban water management. The debate about public water services versus private water supplies is frequently associated with conflicts over water price and affordability. On the other hand, the issue of centralization versus decentralization of water utilities is also often discussed in the context of institutional aspects of urban water management. These issues are intertwined and, thereby, a critical examination of socioeconomic and institutional aspects of urban water management in a holistic way is important for better understanding water conflicts in urban areas.
Urban Water Conflicts – the output of a project by UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme on “Socioeconomic and Institutional Aspects in Urban Water Management” – presents a collection of essays on socioeconomic and institutional aspects of urban water management, focusing on water and sanitation services. The book examines interdisciplinary approaches to understanding and analyzing conflicts that arise from inadequate urban water management. Conflict analysis is addressed in some essays by taking into account economic, environmental and social dimensions of sustainability. The issue of institutional conflicts between different levels of government is also discussed in some case studies
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