Últimas adquisiciones de la Biblioteca de Cooperación Española (BICE)
Os ofrecemos las novedades de la Biblioteca de Cooperación Española correspondientes al mes de diciembre. Predominan en esta ocasión los temas enfocados al cambio climático, las crisis alimentarias, la globalización y la ineficacia de la ayuda, la ecología en relación a la cooperación, la agricultura y comercialización sostenible y los asuntos relacionados con las emigraciones internacionales.
Climate change, forced migration, and international law.
Displacement caused by climate change is an area of growing concern. With current rises in sea levels and changes to the global climate, it is an issue of fundamental importance to the future of many parts of the world.
This book critically examines whether States have obligations to protect people displaced by climate change under international refugee law, international human rights law, and the international law on statelessness. Drawing on field work undertaken in Bangladesh, India, and the Pacific island States of Kiribati and Tuvalu, it evaluates whether the phenomenon of ‘climate change-induced displacement’ is an empirically sound category for academic inquiry. It does so by examining the reasons why people move (or choose not to move); the extent to which climate change, as opposed to underlying socio-economic factors, provides a trigger for such movement; and whether traditional international responses, such as the conclusion of new treaties and the creation of new institutions, are appropriate solutions in this context. In this way, the book queries whether flight from habitat destruction should be viewed as another facet of traditional international protection or as a new challenge requiring more creative legal and policy responses.
Globalization and technocapitalism : the political economy of corporate power and technological domination “Globalization and Technocapitalism” considers the global reach of a new capitalist era, exploring the nature of ‘technocapitalism’ as grounded in new forms of accumulation, commodification, and corporate organization. As technological creativity, corporate research, and talent flows become more important than ever, this book explores the manner in which globalization acquires new contextual features that will become central to the macro-social dynamics of the twenty-first century. It thus sheds light on the resultant growth in global inequalities and more intrusive forms of global domination that are grounded in emerging sectors, such as nanotechnology, biotechnology and its diverse fields, such as genomics, synthetic bioengineering, bioinformatics and biopharmacology, and related advances in computing and telecommunications. A rigorous examination of developments in contemporary capitalism as driven by the forces of globalization, “Globalization and Technocapitalism” will be of interest to scholars working in the fields of social and political theory, international political economy, political philosophy, science and technology studies and globalization.
Cooperación al posdesarrollo : bases teóricas para la transformación ecológica de la cooperación al desarrollo
Veinte años después de la Cumbre de la Tierra en Río, la sostenibilidad sigue siendo la hermana pobre de la cooperación al desarrollo. La crisis ecológica global está provocando conflictos e injusticias sociales y ambientales entre el Norte y el Sur y entre generaciones, y pone también en riesgo los Objetivos del Milenio de las Naciones Unidas. Sin duda, la cooperación al desarrollo no ha integrado suficientemente en su teoría y praxis los límites biofísicos del planeta, sus relaciones con el bienestar humano (igualdad de género, derechos humanos o crisis alimentaria), la deuda ecológica del Norte hacia el Sur, la anticooperación o la crítica a los conceptos de desarrollo, crecimiento, riqueza o pobreza.
Tras analizar esta realidad, este libro propone impulsar una cooperación al posdesarrollo, donde el posdesarrollo es la evolución progresiva de una sociedad hacia niveles de vida acordes con los límites ecológicos del planeta y que cubren las necesidades básicas de sus componentes así como sus aspiraciones a la autonomía y la felicidad. Además de reciclar la cooperación tradicional Norte-Sur y la ayuda oficial al desarrollo, es preciso abrir nuevos horizontes hacia la justicia ambiental y la supervivencia civilizada de la humanidad: convergencia y autolimitación, sostenibilidad de la vida y buen vivir, democracia de lo común, cooperación Sur-Sur, Sur-Norte y Norte-Norte, y, sobre todo, un nuevo papel para la cooperación al posdesarrollo: el de construir redes y alternativas.
Food and development
The relationship between food and development has always been controversial. Over the last 30 years, development in the north and south has failed to deliver people a decent diet. While some people have too little food and die as a consequence, others have too much food and die from associated diseases. Furthermore, some methods of food production create social dislocation and deadly environments where biodiversity is eroded and pollution becomes rampant.
Food and Development is a lively and lucidly written text which provides a clear and accessible introduction to these complex and diverse food related problems. It explores the continued prevalence of mass under nutrition in the developing world; acute food crises in some places associated with conflict; the emergence of over nutrition in the developing world and the vulnerability of the contemporary global food production system. The text analyses factors at international, national and local levels to understand their continued prevalence. The book concludes by evaluating the potential of some oppositional forces to challenge the hegemony of the contemporary food system.
Delivering development : Globalization’s shoreline and the road to a sustainable future
Carr’s concern is that development and globalization are creating more poverty than they solve, needlessly producing economic and environmental challenges that put everyone on Earth at risk. Confronting this paradoxical outcome head-on, Carr questions the “wisdom” of the traditional development-via-globalization strategy, a sort of connect-the-development-dots, by arguing that in order to connect the dots one must first see the dots. This book sets his approach to development in the age of globalization apart from much of the contemporary development literature.” — Michael H. Glantz, Director, CCB (Consortium for Capacity Building), INSTAAR, University of Colorado.
“Over the fifty years since the end of the colonial era, rich nations have granted Africa billions of dollars in development aid and yet, today, much of the continent is as desperate as ever for help. In Delivering Development, Edward R. Carr delves into the question of why the aid system has failed to deliver on its promises, and offers a provocative thesis: that economic development, at least as international donors define it, is not necessarily equal to advancement. He examines the aid system as it is actually experienced. By delving into development at the grassroots, Carr reveals the rich and bedeviling complexity of a problem that, all too often, is reduced to simplistic ideological platitudes.” — Andrew Rice, author of The Teeth May Smile but the Heart Does Not Forget: Murder and Memory in Uganda.
Programa de producción y comercialización sostenible
Esta obra tiene como objetivo generar un programa de producción agroecológica y de comercialización sostenible para su aplicación en la zona fronteriza entre República Dominicana y Haití, una zona económicamente deprimida, con escaso empleo y mal remunerado. El análisis se centra en la labor de aquellos campesinos que practican la agricultura en conucos, entendidas como pequeñas áreas de agricultura familiar de subsistencia, con bajos rendimientos. Los problemas medioambientales, agrícolas y de comercialización que presentan las zonas en las que realizan sus actividades comprometen el futuro de estas comunidades, cuyos habitantes están emigrando a las ciudades, por lo que este programa busca también ofrecer soluciones y alternativas para que su vida sea digna y con horizontes de futuro.
International migration, development and human wellbeing
‘This innovative book by Katie Wright provides a much needed new perspective on the interrelations between international migration, development and wellbeing. It manages to skillfully combine fascinating empirical insights from the lives of migrants with a new conceptual approach to international migration that focuses on human wellbeing. This book will appeal to a very wide audience of migration and development scholars and serves as a major contribution to contemporary understandings of the experiences of international migrants.’ – Professor Cathy McIlwaine, Queen Mary, University of London, UK.
‘This rich comparative and multi-sited investigation of international migration goes beyond the narrow focus of traditional economic perspectives, providing a holistic and perceptive approach that foregrounds migrants’ understandings of and quest for wellbeing and happiness.’ – Professor Manuel A. Vásquez, University of Florida, USA.
Katie Wright discusses the concept of “living well!-exploring how human wellbeing is constructed and how it ‘travels’ across spatial boundaries. Drawing on empirical research, undertaken with Peruvian migrants based in London and Madrid, she investigates the needs that migrations themselves identify in their attempts to ‘live well’. By next examining the perspectives of their Peru-based relatives and close friends, she moves the analysis beyond consideration of how wellbeing is constructed in particular locations to consider inter-subjective impacts of this migration and the global interconnectedness of human wellbeing outcomes.
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biblioaecidmadrid (21 de diciembre de 2012). Últimas adquisiciones de la Biblioteca de Cooperación Española (BICE). La reina de los mares. Recuperado 11 de febrero de 2025 de https://doi.org/10.58079/tkky